By Dr. Kay Bloom
Curious about what really happens during menopause?
Ever asked yourself why menopause affects every woman differently?
You’re in the right place!
I’m Dr. Kay Bloom, founder of the LifeBloom Menopause Program. I’ve not only experienced menopause but have helped many women find the tools they need to navigate their menopause journey with confidence and empowerment.
And you can, too!
Menopause is hard!
I won’t sugarcoat it.
But it’s even harder without a support network and community. On this page, you will find numerous free resources at your fingertips.
You are also invited to apply to join our Bloomer Brigade Community, where you will find CLARITY about science-backed menopause solutions. You will be part of our lifelong COMMUNITY of friends and mentors. And you will gain a profound sense of EMPOWERMENT to turn these into the best years of your life.
Let's navigate menopause together with grace, strength, and the support of a community that truly gets it.
Welcome to your new chapter.
Now, let’s dive in.
Find What You Need Quickly
Sex Hormones: Androgens, Estrogens, and Progestogens
Whatever gender you were assigned at birth, we all have androgens, estrogens, and progestogens as our reproductive hormones.
These are produced in your sexual organs (testes or ovaries), pituitary glands, and even fat cells.
Men: Andropause
If you are male, testosterone is your most important hormone.
Testosterone is an androgen. Androgens are responsible for the development of facial hair, the deepening of your voice, muscle growth, and all those changes brought about by puberty.
For men, testosterone levels slowly and gradually start to decline, generally somewhere between the ages of 40 and 55. You probably won’t even notice it will be so subtle. Some men experience a decline in sexual desire, fewer spontaneous erections, or erectile dysfunction.
As testosterone is an androgen, this change in men is termed Andropause.
Women: Menopause
If you are female, estradiol is your most important hormone.
Estradiol is an estrogen. Estrogens are responsible for breast development, the widening of the hips, and the onset of menstruation. Plus, all those changes brought about by puberty.
While men experience an often-unnoticed gradual decline in testosterone over the years, for women, it’s a completely different story.
We experienced a bumpy rollercoaster ride before a drastic and sudden plummet.
Menopause: From Greek mēn (month) + pausis (a cessation, a pause)
Stages of Menopause
1. Perimenopause: The Hormone Rollercoaster
The first stage of menopause is the hormone rollercoaster. Perimenopause.
This pre-menopause phase can last 3-8 years.
The average age of onset is 42, but it can vary widely.
Our ovaries decide to do their own thing during this time, working overtime one minute and quitting the next. This causes wild fluctuations in estrogen (as well as other hormones, such as progesterone.
When estrogen levels are too high, we can experience weight gain, headaches, fatigue, and even things like painful fibrocystic lumps in our breasts.
Conversely, when estrogen drops too low, we experience hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, trouble concentrating, dry skin, and irregular periods with heavy bleeding.
2. Menopause: The Hormone Freefall
Once we’ve gone 12 consecutive months without a period, our ovaries have quit, and we are no longer on the perimenopause rollercoaster.
This is officially menopause.
But there’s a problem.
Remember how estradiol is the most important hormone for women?
Well, as it turns out, we all NEED estrogen, whatever our gender!
Our brains are home to numerous estrogen receptors, which are integral in managing our emotions, sexual responses, body heat regulation, and cognitive operations.
So, menopause is about far more than discomfort.
Low estrogen levels over time can lead to more serious long-term effects, such as osteoporosis, where bones become fragile and more prone to fractures.
There's also the risk of memory loss and cognitive changes, which is more than just forgetting where you left the keys – it's about potentially facing difficulties in concentration and memory retention.
You could even have an increased risk of heart disease and various forms of cancer.
THIS is why menopause is a big deal!
Unfortunately, menopause (and women’s health in general) is largely underfunded. The research out there is growing slowly, but not as fast as it should be, and much of it is funded by the very organizations profiting off the results of the data – making it unreliable. Not to mention that most doctors aren’t even trained in menopause or hormone therapy.
And this brings us to post-menopause.
How do we minimize the long-term health effects of low estrogen?
Because we can turn these years into the best of our life!
This is exactly what we do in the LifeBloom Menopause Program.
3. Post-Menopause: The Hormone Replacement Theory (HRT) Conundrum
Post-menopause is exactly that, after-menopause.
There are several options for women to help mitigate the long-term health effects of low-estrogen.
However, many come with side effects, and not all options are viable for every woman.
The most popular option is the estradiol patch, which may or may not be used in conjunction with progesterone.
This is known as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
Balancing hormones after menopause is tricky.
This is because even if you get the dosage of estradiol correct and successfully mitigate the symptoms of high or low estrogen, there’s progesterone.
If the estrogen-progesterone balance goes awry, it can cause symptoms like breast tenderness, weight gain, headaches, insomnia, and mood disturbances.
In the long term, this can cause an increased risk of endometrial cancer, blood clots, stroke, thyroid dysfunction, and even autoimmune disease.
Imagine trying to solve a puzzle where the pieces keep changing shapes – that's how it may feel when trying to manage estrogen and progesterone levels.
While HRT is the “easiest” path to regulating estrogen, there are side effects.
Because of this, many women either don’t qualify or choose not to take HRT. Your doctor will not recommend HRT if you have had breast cancer, endometrial cancer, abnormal vaginal bleeding, blood clots, or a history of stroke, heart attack, or untreated high blood pressure.
It is essential to find a doctor trained in menopause!
Most doctors are not trained in menopause, so this is a great starting point: The NAMS database (for women in the USA and Canada).
What other options are available?
Several non-hormonal options are on the market, including herbs, supplements, and proprietary blends. Some are backed by science, others not.
Surprisingly, a lot can be accomplished through a change in our diet (download this FREE guide for details). This freebie even covers treatment options for five common menopause symptoms. You can grab it in the link below.
For now. Let’s discuss what YOU can do next.
What’s Next? Here’s Your Action Plan!
Remember, you’re not alone!
You are armed with the Bloomer Brigade Community. We are here to give you the tools you need not just to navigate menopause, but to thrive!
Your action plan:
Educate Yourself: Dive into the resources linked below. Knowledge is power.
Watch Dr. Bloom Videos
Visit Office of Women’s Health
Visit NAMS (Menopause Society)
Search Menopause Doctor Database
Join the Bloomer Brigade: Step into a world of supportive women and sisterhood in the Bloomer Brigade Menopause Community. Join here!
LifeBloom Course: Explore our LifeBloom program, designed to make these years some of the best of your life. In the course, you will find CLARITY about science-backed menopause solutions. You will be part of our lifelong COMMUNITY of friends and mentors. And you will experience a profound sense of CONFIDENCE and empowerment to turn these into the best years of your life. Apply Here!
We're Here for You
Have Questions?
Need guidance?
We're just a message away. Contact us here!
Join us in transforming this journey into an empowering experience. Let's redefine menopause together, making these years truly the best of your life.
FAQ: Common Questions
1. What is the Age of Menopause?
Answer: The age of menopause typically occurs between 45 and 55 years old. It is defined as the point when a woman has not had a menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months.
2. What is the Signs of Menopause?
Answer: The signs of menopause can include hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and irregular periods. Every woman's experience can differ, with some having mild symptoms and others having more intense changes.
3. What is Menopause?
Answer: What is menopause? It is the natural decline in reproductive hormones when a woman reaches her 40s or 50s. Menopause is diagnosed after 12 months without a menstrual period.
4. How Long Does Menopause Last?
Answer: How long does menopause last? Menopause is a single event, but the transition, called perimenopause, can last several years. Symptoms may continue into post-menopause, which is the period after menopause has occurred.
5. What are Symtoms of Menopause?
Answer: Symtoms of menopause typically include irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats, sleep problems, and mood changes. Each woman's experience can vary widely.
6. When Does Menopause Start?
Answer: When does menopause start? It generally starts between the ages of 45 and 55 but can vary widely. Factors like smoking or chemotherapy can lead to an earlier onset.
7. What are Signs of Menopause?
Answer: Signs of menopause include irregular periods, decreased fertility, vaginal dryness, and emotional changes. These symptoms are a result of declining estrogen levels.
8. What is the Perimenopause Age?
Answer: The perimenopause age typically begins several years before menopause, usually in a woman's mid-40s, but it can start as early as the mid-30s or as late as the 50s.
9. What is Early Menopause?
Answer: Early menopause refers to the onset of menopause before the age of 45. It can result from genetic factors, autoimmune conditions, or medical procedures such as hysterectomy.
10. What is the Average Age of Menopause?
Answer: The average age of menopause is around 51 years old. Precocious menopause, also known as premature menopause, is triggered when a woman enters menopause before the age of 40, often due to genetic factors or medical interventions.